Donate to the PRN Education Fund

The PRN Education Fund is a separate 501(c)(3) Organization which may accept tax-free donations restricted to the purposes of social welfare promotion, education and advocacy relating to the protection and preservation of the rural and small-town heritage of Napa County.

Benefits of your contribution:
  • Knowledge that you are supporting programs that promote quality of life by preserving the agricultural nature of Napa County for the benefit of future generations of residents and visitors.
  • Join with us to promote neighborhood awareness of land conservation efforts in Napa County.
  • Monitor and discuss responses of government officials/departments regarding the preservation of the agricultural nature of Napa County.
  • Invitations to PRN special events
You may donate in two ways:

1. Donate by sending a check
You may send us a check made out to Protect Rural Napa to: Mailing Address:
    Protect Rural Napa Education Fund
    P.O. Box 2385
    Yountville, CA 94599

2. Donate using PayPal
You can donate via PayPal (which allows you to pay with any major credit card or with your PayPal account). You will be able to note a specific use or project that your donation should be applied to.

Please note that payments madeto the PRN Education Fund are tax deductible. Contact if you have questions.

Protect Rural Napa Education Fund

Mailing Address:
    Protect Rural Napa Education Fund
    P.O. Box 2385
    Yountville, CA 94599

Board of Directors

Glenn Schreuder President
Cynthia GruppVice President
Chris MillerTreasurer
Anthony Arger
Kosta Arger
Lauren Griffiths
George Caloyannidis

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